Journey to Couture

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Goals for 2008

Someone recently mentioned the importance of recording progress and setting new goals periodically. In the spirit of new beginnings, here are my thoughts on this first day of 2008.

My 2007 accomplishments included celebrating 10 years in business, quite a bit more sewing than the year prior and scooting the last little one off to Kindergarten. It was quite an adjustment to have the house to myself all day. I count it as an accomplishment because it took 8 years to get both kids in fulltime school. haha.

Beauty: Last year I paid a lot of attention to my skin and hair. This year I want to improve my nails and keep them looking nice.

Cooking: Last year I started hosting monthly food theme parties. The idea is that each family prepare a recipe they've never tried before yet befitting the theme. Theme dinners are great fun and I want get it going again since it petered off last fall.

Dutch Oven This year I want to cook more and stay away from the fast food joints, eat out once per week at most. I bought a 5-qt Staub enameled cast iron dutch oven and am thrilled! I really enjoy cooking in this pot! I've been using it daily since Christmas.

Gardening: Last year I failed miserably, somehow managing to kill everything including the petunias. This year I want to do better than that. Sounds like no big goal but it is hard work in our Texas heat! I hope to get started on indoor herb gardening as soon as possible.

Home: Last year I improved my bedroom significantly but it needs more work. I also need to tackle the couch upholstery project and improve my dining presentation.

This year I also want to break the habit of stacking paperwork instead of filing it. I did manage to get everything entered into Quickbooks but need to file it all :(

I made a budget and will *try* to stick to it. Oooh, that's a tough one, but I would like to invest more in 2008 (in stocks...not fabric) LOL.

Sewing: There was an apartment fire nearby last week. I decided to donate all the stuff I don't wear (or use in the kitchen anymore) and force myself to take action around here. Maybe I'll find my sewing mojo in the process of cleaning. I know that darn mojo is here somewhere, probably under a stack of fabric :)

I need to get busy. I resolve to make a new wardrobe this year, perhaps a series of SWAPs, and enter more contests too.

Fabric: I have enough. Really. I need to get over the need to save this stuff for later. Maybe that should come to mean later is now.

New skills: I want to learn about photography this year. I have my eye on a digital camera that has image stabilization and is a point-n-shoot yet manual capabilities. That appeals to me because I always wanted to take photography in college but never had the extra money for equipment. It will be fun to finally learn about f-stops and aperatures plus macro photography will come in handy for client services.

Activities: We are all geared up for Tae Kwon Do, baseball and, of course, cooking and sewing. It is already sounding like a busy year!

I hope you enjoyed the holidays and wish you a wonderful and healthy 2008.

Happy New Year!


  • i think your goals sound reasonable enough, I hope you can fulfil them, happy new year

    By Anonymous toya, at 1:51 AM  

  • I was chuckling reading this because my goals are so similar --done to keeping my nails looking better, spending more time in my garden and improving my home! I'm rooting for you!

    By Blogger cidell, at 10:02 AM  

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