Journey to Couture

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Gardening for the Soul

I'll tell you, over these past 12 months, give or take a few, I've been nothing more than set up, beat up, chewed on and spit out for the dogs to finish off. Quite literally, without going into details, it has been tough. We relocated, moved across country, and I should be happier to be in this beautiful place.

But alas, having no luck righting my outlook, and only half-hearted sewing mojo, I have completed a few nice garments but still haven't found my happy place.

So, I turned to my garden. Weeding really felt good. Pulling out all the bad and chucking it into a bin.

My boys helped me start a bunch of yucky veggies like broccoli and tomatoes from seed (in April) and we've now set almost all the seedlings in the garden. It has been really fun to teach the boys about gardening and work on this project as a family. We still need to get the peppers in the ground (oooh! and the cilantro) but here's what we've started and planted so far:

6 romas, 6 beefsteak, 4 green pepper, 4 banana pepper, 2 habenero, 5 broccoli, 5 cabbage, 4 bok choi, 6 buttercrunch lettuce, 12 spinach, 3 bush beans, 6 pole beans, 4 peas, 10 Walla Walla onion, 12 Spanish onion, 3 yellow squash, 3 zucchini, 8 cilantro and strawberries.

Only half of the space is used so far. I still need to start basil and oregano. Maybe some petunias and marigolds to keep pests away from my darling broccoli babies. I guess I will go ahead and start planning a flower bed for shaded perennials and figure out what edibles I can intersperse in the landscape for fun and more good eating, and to use up the rest of the flower beds.

I'm too lazy to get out the camera today. I would like to show you my tomato experiment... soon I'll do just that. It actually involves a sewing notion!

I can't believe Cennetta still comes by although there is nothing here to see. I'm sending out a huge thanks and just want to say it cheered me up quite a bit!!

HUGS, Leah



  • Sorry to hear times were/are so hard for you. Wishing you well and wishing that good times will be there soon again.

    By Blogger Sigrid, at 11:42 PM  

  • What a great project to do with your boys. I'm jealous - no space for gardening. I do have a tomato plant in a pot, though!! Gardening is good for the soul.

    Hope you get your sewing mojo back and life improves!

    By Anonymous Peggy L, at 6:25 AM  

  • Wow what a horrible year! Gardening is my favorite way to get life going in the right direction. I, however, am too lazy this year to do anything more than let the volunteer heirloom tomatoes from last year grow on their own. Last year the produce was so plentiful it chased me around in my dreams at night! Trauma by cucumber, I tell ya.

    Good to "see" you again :)

    By Anonymous Mary Beth, at 1:54 PM  

  • Thanks to friends like you all, things are looking up. MB~ you sure can spin a story, er, dream!!

    By Blogger Leora Louise, at 2:48 PM  

  • Sounds like a GREAT garden!

    Hope your mojo & happy place are both soon found! :D

    By OpenID rosebee, at 3:03 PM  

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