Journey to Couture

Monday, February 18, 2008

BWOF -January 2008

I am so inspired by all of the reviews on for various garments made from the Burda World of Fashion January 2008 issue. Take a peek at the gallery!

I found a copy on eBay and received it last week. I think I will change my SWAP to include the wrap knit top and possibly one pair of pants. Eventually.

I'm not so hot on the SWAP sewing right now. I've had too many things going on all at once. A dead animal (rat) in the wall... fixed that problem promptly at the beginning of the month but have now been trying to get the resultant and unexpected fly problem finalized.

Last August, little beetles decided they liked the flour in my kitchen but I killed them once I figured out where they were coming from. Somehow they came back this month to live in my raspberry tea but I now tracked 'em down and hoovered the kitchen this past weekend. Unfortunately, the little fliers that they are found my wool pants (previously mentioned Weekender chinos all cut out and abandonded but pulled out again to look over the zipper) and now I must darn some little holes. Thank goodness they don't like polyester as I had 6 yards of Gorgeous Fabric on the sewing table as well as they are a perfect match. Trying to decide what to make.

Needless to say I am thankful my entire stash is safely far away from all this activity. I *will* proceed to FREAK OUT if I find even one little flier anywhere near the beloved stash. Wish me luck I got them all... every last one of them!

Yes, done with griping. Back to where I started with this post.

I am inspired by Jan BWOF reviews, but tired from battling intruders. I might trace off the artist top to make myself feel better even though it doesn't work with my SWAP. It is so pretty!

I bought a Mozart CD of piano sonatas to sooth my frazzled nerves! I've been looking for this CD for YEARS and finally it turned up on eBay. Yay for me!!!

Mozart: The Complete Piano Sonatas Vol. 2 - Entremont

The Complete Piano Sonatas

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