While tracing, I lengthened the tie band extension pattern piece 7” and experimented with multi-sizing. This top is 40 in the neck and shoulders, tapering to 44 at the bust and sides. No FBA!
I lined up the extension with the bodice piece to see if I would be able to cut in one piece. Thank goodness it was possible because I really wanted to avoid a piecing seam. The bodice plus extension took up the entire width of my cutting table.
I followed Sandra Betzina’s advice in Power Sewing and stabilized the neckline edge with 1/4” wide cut selvage, then turned down and top-stitched with a double stretch needle.
I turned a corner with the double needle for the first time and was quite proud of myself! It looked terrible on the inside, of course, so I picked it out and tried again. I love trying new things.
Then this top hung out on Cassidy for a week or so while I debated turning it into a sleeveless top. My “SWAP that isn’t a SWAP but actually a wardrobe now” is comprised of short sleeve and sleeveless tops so why not this one as well? Long sleeves seemed out of place in this grouping. Darn. I had already cut the sleeves so the sleeves would be wasted. But then, I wasn’t sure if I would ruin my cute top.
In the end, I tired of debating myself and decided the high armsyce was going to work fine and to just do it already. I stabilized the armsyce using selvage strips, turned down and top-stitched and it looked fine. I sure can over-analyse with the best of ’em!
I love that top!!! It does look great sleevless!
Erica B.
Very lovely top!
Very cute, never thought of leaving the sleeves out, but it works fine.
Cute top – I love the fabric!
Clever idea to make it sleeveless, it looks beautiful!
I love that top! I traced this pattern back in January but didn’t get the chance to sew it. Now I love your sleeveless version!
Mary E
Oh I wish I could wear this style — it looks so good made up in that onionskin!!
Very cute top. I love the fabric and it looks great sleeveless.
Thank you for the nice compliments! 🙂 I plan to make a few more sleeveless versions to wear this summer. This is a great pattern!
Lovely top! I like the fabric you used. Cute.
Paula Gardner
Cute top!
I just found your blog and hope to visit often.
Paula Gardner
I’m so glad you’re going to join us in the Wardrobe Sew Along. I think it will be a lot of fun and not so much pressure!
Really cute top, I want one for me…!
I’ll keep visiting you…
Hi Leah,
Great looking wrap top.