I am sure there was only one pair of pants and the rest were skirt plates. Travesty. Anyhow, this set eventually sold for $55 and I wasn’t the high bidder. Who knew a) anyone still remembered this toy enough to bid it that high b) anyone still had intact sets and could get that much for them, or c) no one played with this set enough to lose all the pieces like I did… I mean wear them out like I did.
Great news: I am back in action with a camera so I have tons to work on review wise! I have at least 10-12 pieces to review (at least, if not more) and I’m itching to trace more of my HotPatterns on the old “TO SEW” list and finish up the second pair of chinos 🙂
Oh wow! I had one of those when I was a kid too. I haven’t thought about that thing in years. I think I was somewhere between 9 and 11 when I got mine.
I did play with this toy some, but I was very much a tomboy at that age so it didn’t get worn out.
ARGH! Had I KNOWN! I was just telling a co-worker about this toy because her 9 y.o. daughter is obsessed with drawing fashion. We thought she’d love this thing (I know I did when I was 9). Er… although maybe not for $55. Yikes. Did you know that there’s a new version of this out now? It’s similar anyway and comes with a lot more clothing options (and more pants).
There's actually extra plates you could buy. Currently on eBay there's one with all the extras for $70. I want it but not that badly!
Fatty McFatterton
These were my favourite as a kid too. I can't believe they are so collectible now. It's nice to see, but it makes me feel old! Haha.
Crystal A.
I just found something similar from Melissa & Doug! http://www.melissaanddoug.com/fashion-design-activity-kit
Looks like it would work great! Thanks for the tip 🙂